How absurd men are! They never use the liberties they have, they demand those they do not have.
They have freedom of thought, they demand freedom of speech.
~Søren Kierkegaard

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


So, we're a week into the indictment against P-Funk, Q, T, and Ookie for dog-fighting and related atrocities, and I have to say I've only heard one person say anything about it that has made any sense. Dr. Alveda King, the niece of MLK, issued a statement on July 20 which stated:

"The appalling cruelty to dogs described in the complaint against Michael Vick immediately reminds me of another kind of cruelty that is not only not punished, but is protected by our authorities," said Dr. King. "I'm talking about the incredible cruelty suffered by babies who are stabbed, have limb torn from limb, or have their skulls crushed in the womb by abortionists. The pain these children endure is undoubtedly excruciating, yet we close our eyes and look the other way in the name of 'choice.' Yes, of course we should ensure humane treatment of animals," said Dr. King, "but shouldn't we also humanely treat humans?"

That's unfortunately a decidedly minority view in the world of public figures. Even most abortion opponents wouldn't dare in this climate declare that unborn babies are more important than dogs. Political correctness protects dogs, not babies. Drives me nuts. Also, I am rather impressed that Dr. King used "ensure" instead of "insure;" that's a bright woman. And just to show how big of a disconnect there is in our society on the issue of abortion, check out these numbers from the CDC:

The only thing the chart lacks is a bar for the number of African-Americans "Killed in Iraq," (which would be 339).


Anonymous said...

you are a bad man.

Anonymous said...

I may be a bit premature with this comment but I'm surprised that the loony left has been so mild as to just call you nothing worse than "a bad man".
Telling the truth seems to be a major crime to many of them. Keep up the good work!
The left's claim that we must spend ten times as much on developing an AIDS cure as on Cancer research would appear to be racist on their part considering the numbers of African-American deaths caused by those two diseases!


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