How absurd men are! They never use the liberties they have, they demand those they do not have.
They have freedom of thought, they demand freedom of speech.
~Søren Kierkegaard

Monday, June 19, 2006


I got my copy of Godless by Ann Coulter today. I have just begun to look at it, but this is a great book. I couldn't read it quietly: I was laughing, cringing, yelling "Honey, come hear this!" just in the first chapter alone. Here's just one little bit:

  • "Liberal doctrines are less scientifically provable than the story of Noah's ark, but their belief system is taught as a fact in government schools, while the Biblical belief system is banned from government schools by law. As a matter of faith liberals believe: Darwinism is a fact, people are born gay, child-molesters can be rehabilitated, recycling is a virtue, and chastity is not. If people are born gay, why hasn't Darwinism weeded out people who don't reproduce? (For that we need a theory of "survival of the most fabulous.") And if gays can't change, why do liberals think child-molesters can? Pedophilia is a sexual preference! If they're born that way, instead of rehabilitation, how about keeping them locked up? And why must children be taught that recycling is the only answer? Why aren't we teaching children "safe littering"?
Now, that's some good stuff there, I don't care who you are. Those are in fact articles of faith on the part of liberals, and what Ann Coulter is so good at is pointing out the contradictions in funny, ironic, and sometimes outrageous ways. She does that masterfully above, and the whole stink over the "Jersey Girls" makes Ann's point exactly. In the estimation of the Left and media they are unassailable, precisely as she says in the book! They apparently don't know that they're making her point because they're having so much fun piling on, but they are.

The reason I say it's a great book is that she attacks this myth of neutrality that surrounds public discourse in this country. This is the idea that Christianity, or any other belief system (but especially Christianity) is clouded by faith commitments, and scoffs at reason, and is inherently contradictory, etc. Therefore, it is impossible to be a Christian and be fair-minded about things because of all the baggage the Christian's beliefs bring with him. But the elephant in the room, which Ann focuses a big spotlight on, is that the liberal (Darwinists, secularists, etc.) brings just as much baggage to the debate as does someone like Billy Graham or the Pope. The notion that only the "non-religious" are somehow "neutral" is laughable because the so-called non-religious are in fact religious themselves. The statement, "There is no God" is just as religious as the statement "There is a God." The statement "Man is an animal" is just as religious as the statement "Man is made in the image of God." Everyone does theology. No one is "neutral." And that needs to be pointed out again and again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ann Coulter is great! She says everything many of us would like the chance to say to a huge audience, but can't! I have not seen anyone who has been able to make her back off of anything she says. I love it!

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