Week in Review
- Feel good story of the week--Keith Richards, who fell out of a palm tree in Fiji, apparently won't have to have surgery to relieve pressure on his brain. There is apparently no need to explain why the 62 year old pickled rocker was in a palm tree in the first place; speculation is that he was trying to pick coconuts, but the Rolling Stones are mum about what exactly happened. I just think it sounds like something that would have happened to Bernie.

- Line of the Week--These guys would make a great comedy duo: Kucinich playing the straight man to set up Bolton's one-liners. What a great zinger at the end:
KUCINICH: Have you ever heard of that report?
BOLTON: I’d never heard of the report, I never read the article, nor do I intend to.
KUCINICH: Do you have any interest as to whether or not—as the U.S. Ambassador, you don’t have any interest as to whether or not U.S. Marines are actually operating in Iran right now?
BOLTON: I said I had not heard of the report and I didn’t intend to read the article in “The New Yorker.”
KUCINICH: If I gave you this article right now, walked it over, would you look at it?
BOLTON: I don’t think so, honestly, Congressman, because I don’t have time to read much fiction.
- New Poll Is Up!--This one is about pet snakes.
- Blotter--Nothing about my people in the blotter this week. Too bad I lost Harvest Grove!
- Caption Contestants--This from Lord Shackelton is for you until the long awaited caption contest prizes are ready--"MEN WANTED FOR HAZARDOUS JOURNEY. SMALL WAGES, BITTER COLD, LONG MONTHS OF COMPLETE DARKNESS, CONSTANT DANGER, SAFE RETURN DOUBTFUL. HONOUR AND RECOGNITION IN CASE OF SUCCESS." Now that is what the caption contest is all about!
- And speaking of the caption contest--You can view last week's winner here.
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