Late Week in Review
- News ticker: Added above. Tell me what you think.
- Caption winner: Larry the cable guy.
- Commencement addresses of note, Part 1: The controversy over Condoleeza Rice's speaking at Boston College (hated ACC rival) was interesting. I have to say, I have some sympathy for the protest as long as it is sincerely rooted in what the following indicates: ''On the levels of both moral principle and practical moral judgment, Secretary Rice's approach to international affairs is in fundamental conflict with Boston College's commitment to the values of the Catholic and Jesuit traditions and is inconsistent with the humanistic values that inspire the university's work," the letter said. It pointed out Pope John Paul II's opposition to the war in Iraq. The response? "This is the only time these people have cited Pope John Paul II on anything," said the Rev. Paul McNellis, who is an adjunct professor in the philosophy department. Hmmmm. A matter of conscience, or politics?
- Commencement addresses of note, Part 2: General Peter Pace, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, addressed the graduating class of The Citadel. It is worth a read or listen.

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