How absurd men are! They never use the liberties they have, they demand those they do not have.
They have freedom of thought, they demand freedom of speech.
~Søren Kierkegaard

Monday, July 09, 2007

Erotic Worship

This should get things stirred up around here and further cement my "NC-17" rating. Some of you regulars won't be with me on this, but it should lead to some good discussion. The subject is worship. Specifically, the erotic character of too much contemporary worship. Over at the Boar's Head Tavern "Pirate" sarcastically writes:
Let’s point out the obvious: replace the buxom blonde babes with stout matrons in their late 50’s, and the worship experience just plain doesn’t happen. Hire an older fellow that walks with a cane as your worship pastor instead of that handsome, young, energetic [bible college] graduate, and Sunday morning just won’t “work.” That should indicate something is wrong. This kind of “worship” isn’t anything new. Maybe fog machines, synthesizers, and colored lights are new, but sensuality and eroticism in worship aren’t. It’s just that in the olden-tymie days, you had to go to a pagan temple to get that. [The Church] did a remarkably bad job of incorporating the pagan culture into their worship. A few things changed with the imperialization of the Church, but the damage had already been done. Christian worship was doomed to centuries of reverence, formality, seriousness, regularity, and deliberation until the 20th century brought Aphrodite back to her rightful place as the orchestrator of our worship.
I'm in essential agreement with that, and I would love to hear someone defend the thesis that typical evengelical worship forms ("praise bands," "worship leaders," "special music solos," etc.) DO NOT come from pagan sources.

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