How absurd men are! They never use the liberties they have, they demand those they do not have.
They have freedom of thought, they demand freedom of speech.
~Søren Kierkegaard

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Did He or Didn't He? Ought We or Oughtn't We?

I've been trying to figure out the connections between the pacifist political liberalism of religious liberals and the war-ready political conservatism of religious conservatives. I have an idea and, not surprisingly, it comes down to the resurrection. The resurrection is the great divide between religious liberals and conservatives. Historically, the view of the Church is that Jesus was literally, physically raised from actual, physical death. Hence it is "conservative" and even "old-fashioned" to retain this view. Liberals deny the physical reality of the resurrection. Here is a sympathetic description of two examples of their version of the resurrection from Ronald Getz in a confused 1982 article from Christian Century:

Others will conceive of the event in a “demythologized” manner. What came forth from death was not a body; the event was not historical but existential. What arose was the apostles’ faith, which impelled them to proclaim the kerygma. In a sense we are celebrating, through the “myth” of Christ’s resurrection, the existential fact of our own resurrection from despair through the proclaimed word of faith.

For still others such Germanic circumlocution is impossible to understand, let alone embrace; they will regard the resurrection in a rationalistic, relatively “old-fashioned” deist-liberal manner as a prescientific way of expressing the timeless content of Jesus’ life and ministry -- his preaching about the love of God and the need for human fellowship.
Now, what I take out of this is that if you are a liberal who denies that Jesus faced and defeated a real enemy in his death and resurrection, then when confronted with a real enemy yourself, you will first try to deny that reality. Then you might try to understand the enemy in some sort of "timeless" or "existential" manner. You see good and evil, but deny the reality of rockets being launched into a country in favor of some fairy tale imagery of a knight slaying a dragon. So, since this is all so many words, maybe talking to the rocket launcher guys would be a "good faith gesture" that might get them to stop.

The conservative sees that Jesus faced and defeated a real enemy in his death and resurrection. Good and evil take bodily form. Rockets are real and are fired by real people who must be stopped, not negotiated with. We imitate our Lord in fighting that fight, defending the weak, and being willing to lay down our lives for our friends. So it comes down to this: Did He or didn't He? Ought we or oughtn't we?

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