~Nikola Tesla~
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Religion of Peace Marches On
The following numbers show the Islamic terror attacks around the world in just the last 7 days! No wonder Edwards claims this is just a bumper sticker enterprise--a mere 49 attacks in the last week! I've added a link to thereligionofpeace.com in the right column under "Daily Reads." They continually update all of this stuff in nicely formatted columns that even the hardest-nosed investigative journalist ought to be able to decipher. We have to remain vigilant against this kind of evil and take it with the utmost seriousness. Have a look for yourself:
Date | Country | City | Killed | Injured | Description |
8/23/07 | Afghanistan | Helmand | 3 | 13 | Three Afghan civilians are murdered in a Taliban suicide attack. |
8/22/07 | Iraq | Tikrit | 2 | 12 | Jihadis kill two civilians with a roadside bomb. |
8/22/07 | Afghanistan | Khost | 4 | 8 | A Fedayeen suicide bomber kills four Afghans on a highway. |
8/22/07 | Afghanistan | Paktia | 2 | 4 | Two engineers are shot to death by the Taliban. |
8/22/07 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 1 | 0 | Islamic militias are suspected in the murder of a civilian at a market. |
8/22/07 | Somalia | Suqa Holaha | 2 | 5 | Two people are killed when Islamists hurl a grenade into the street. |
8/22/07 | Afghanistan | Nuristan | 2 | 11 | Two Afghan soldiers are killed when religious extremists stage an attack on a base. |
8/22/07 | Iraq | Tal Afar | 2 | 5 | Radical Sunnis take out two pipe layers with a bomb blast. |
8/22/07 | Iraq | Muqdadiyah | 6 | 50 | A suicide bomber on a motorcycle kills six Iraqis. |
8/22/07 | Iraq | Beiji | 45 | 80 | A suicidal Sunni drives a truck bomb into a police station, incinerating twenty-five police and twenty civilians. |
8/22/07 | Iraq | Kufa | 1 | 0 | A female university professer is stabbed to death by Islamic radicals. |
8/22/07 | Ingushetia | Nazran | 1 | 5 | Islamic terrorists attack a security convoy, killing at least one member. |
8/22/07 | Pakistan | Quetta | 0 | 16 | A barbershop is one of two sites attacked by fundamentalists with grenades. |
8/21/07 | Thailand | Yala | 1 | 0 | Muslims kill a man elected to replace another official who was slaughtered along with his family. |
8/21/07 | Thailand | Pattani | 1 | 0 | A Buddhist official is gunned down by Islamic radicals. |
8/21/07 | Thailand | Narathiwat | 1 | 0 | A Buddhist security guard is murdered by Mulslim extremists, who then attempt to cut the head from the body. |
8/21/07 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 1 | 5 | An Islamist walks into a restaurant and shoot a civilian to death. |
8/21/07 | Pakistan | Mohallah | 1 | 4 | A woman is killed when fundamentalists toss a grenade into a brothel. |
8/21/07 | Philippines | Zamboanga | 0 | 14 | Abu Sayyaf sympathizers place a bomb at a city plaza, injuring fourteen people. |
8/21/07 | Iraq | Latifiya | 9 | 2 | Nine members of a family, including a baby, are murdered by Shiite radicals inside their home. |
8/21/07 | Iraq | Baghdad | 17 | 14 | Two passengers on a minibus are among fourteen Iraqis murdered by Jihadis in various attacks. |
8/21/07 | Pakistan | Bannu | 4 | 0 | Pro-Taliban militants attack a checkpoint with rockets, leaving three Pakistani soldiers and a woman dead. |
8/21/07 | Afghanistan | Zabul | 6 | 0 | Religious extremists ambush and kill six Afghan cops. |
8/21/07 | Thailand | Yala | 1 | 0 | A man is shot to death by Muslim terrorists while sitting in a tea shop. |
8/20/07 | Pakistan | Hangu | 4 | 18 | A woman passerby is among four killed when a Fedayeen suicide bomber rams into a military vehicle. |
8/20/07 | Iraq | Baghdad | 20 | 36 | Two Jihad bombings and random shootings leave over twenty people dead. |
8/20/07 | India | Shopian | 1 | 0 | A farmer is shot to death by the Mujahideen. |
8/20/07 | Iraq | al-Rumeitha | 4 | 2 | Shiite militants assassinate a provincial governor. |
8/19/07 | Iraq | Baghdad | 31 | 51 | A Jihad mortar attack and various shootings leave more than thirty people dead, including children. |
8/18/07 | Afghanistan | Ghazni | 2 | 2 | Religious extremists kill two Afghan cops with a roadside bomb. |
8/18/07 | Pakistan | Jandola | 1 | 0 | al-Qaeda militants kidnap and behead a teacher. |
8/18/07 | Pakistan | Miran Shah | 1 | 2 | A suicide bomber detonates at an army checkpoint, killing at least one Pakistani. |
8/18/07 | Afghanistan | Kandahar | 15 | 26 | Fifteen Afghans, mostly civilians, are blown to bits by a suicidal Sunni along a highway. |
8/18/07 | India | Doda | 1 | 0 | The body of a 26-year-old woman is found murdered days after she was taken by the Mujahideen. |
8/18/07 | Iraq | Khalis | 7 | 35 | A baby is among seven people killed when Holy Warriors pump mortars and rockets into a residential neighborhood. |
8/18/07 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 2 | 4 | An elderly man and a woman are killed in separate attacks by Islamic militias. |
8/18/07 | Pakistan | Bajaur | 1 | 0 | Taliban militants shoot a man to death in his home. |
8/18/07 | Afghanistan | Kandahar | 4 | 3 | A Taliban suicide bomber targets a road construction crew, killing four guards. |
8/18/07 | India | Kandi | 1 | 0 | The Mujahideen chop out a 70-year-old man's eyes and behead him. |
8/18/07 | India | Rajouri | 1 | 0 | The Mujahideen kidnap a civilian and kill him in captivity. |
8/18/07 | Pakistan | Bannu | 1 | 5 | A cop is killed in a hand grenade attack by Islamic militants. |
8/17/07 | India | Rajouri | 1 | 0 | A civilian is kidnapped and killed in captivity by radical Muslims. |
8/17/07 | India | Baramulla | 2 | 0 | A policeman and his elderly father are brutally murdered inside their hom by Islamic militants. |
8/17/07 | India | Pulwama | 5 | 3 | Mujahideen use an IED to kill five Indian soldiers traveling along a road. |
8/17/07 | Pakistan | Khyber | 7 | 0 | Seven people are killed in clashes between radical Islamist groups. |
8/17/07 | Iraq | Kirkuk | 3 | 42 | Two separate bombings by Sunni radicals kill three civilians and injure over forty. |
8/17/07 | Afghanistan | Kandahar | 4 | 2 | Three young children under the age of 10 are slaughtered along with their father by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. |
8/17/07 | Somalia | Mogadishu | 1 | 1 | Islamic militias rocket a house, killing a woman. |
8/17/07 | Iraq | Haditha | 3 | 0 | Three people are kidnapped, tortured and shot to death by sectarian rivals. |
Labels: Current Events, War
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Col. Richard L. Simcock II, USMC, Commanding Officer, Regimental Combat Team 6, commenting on the improving security situation in Iraq
Labels: Quotes Worth Quoting, War
Lark News
In his review of Doug Wilson's A Serrated Edge, John Frame writes, "I enjoyed the Wittenburg Door back in the days before it got all serious on us and tried to solve all the world’s problems. Now I find it hard to live without my monthly dose of www.larknews.com, and Credenda Agenda."
I've enjoyed C/A for years, but Lark News was new on me. It's definitely in the best tradition of The Door. Check it out.
Labels: Humor
Sunday, August 19, 2007
For My "Moderate" Friends
I will spit you out of my mouth. Revelation 3:16
The above quote isn't intended to argue that Jesus is liberal or conservative. It is simply meant as a commentary on the "politics of the middle." Aristotelian moderation is often held up as some glorious ideal by academics and down-homers alike. One is often exhorted to do "all things in moderation" (Like executing underperforming pitbulls?) as if moderation itself were a virtue.

So, the problem with these fence-sitting types is perfectly demonstrated by "Carl," who called Rush Limbaugh last week. Carl has no core beliefs other than "Why can't we all just get along?" (I apologize that the Limbaugh quote is so long, but I can't get my "read more" hack to work at the moment.) If you proudly call yourself moderate, this is what you sound like; and I ask you like Rush asks Carl, "What do you believe in?"
RUSH: Carl in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. You're first, as we go to the phones today on the EIB Network.
CALLER: Rush, why can't we all just get along? Now, I listen --
RUSH: Oh, Carl, give me a break. Don't do a Rodney King on me. You gotta be kidding me.
CALLER: No, I'm not kidding you. I think it's a very realistic thing. See, here's what I hear. First of all, I -- as an independent, all the politicians work for me. Well, they work for all of us. But what I hear is, if -- if someone on one side of the aisle comes up with a good idea the other side has to disagree with it just because they're on the opposite side of the aisle.
RUSH: You're just --
CALLER: When I listen to radio talk show hosts, I hear the same thing. I hear the conservative people whining about the liberals; I hear the liberals whining about the conservatives. And -- and you can go to any kind of newspaper articles that you want and pick and choose whatever you want, what works for you. You know, there's probably just as many articles there that would be opposite and against what you have to say.
RUSH: What? Most of them would be opposite and against what I have to say. In a newspaper?
CALLER: Well...
RUSH: I mean --
CALLER: Well, look it, when I listen to you and I don't listen a lot...
RUSH: Carl, look, I have a question.
CALLER: I don't listen a lot, what I hear is you pick and choose different newspaper articles, and you say, "Here, look at this. Read this."
RUSH: That's right! That's right. I'm an agenda guy. I have a belief system. It's called conservatism. I believe it's the best thing for the most people.
CALLER: So let me ask you this, then. If you -- if you think conservatism is the best thing for most people, should we just wipe out the Democratic Party altogether?
RUSH: No, you have to beat them. I'd love to be able to do it, but that's not the way.
CALLER: No, but, I mean, just eliminate them? Let's just have conservative Republicans.
RUSH: No! No! Carl, now, look, now, be realistic.
CALLER: That's what you sound like when you talk.
RUSH: Yes! I'd love to wipe 'em out to the point that they are a minority for the rest of this nation's history, yes. Exactly right, Carl, because I think the Democrat Party and liberalism will destroy the fabric and the institutions and traditions that made this country great. But I want to --
CALLER: How about...? How about all the people on the opposite side of the aisle that are saying the exact same thing? You see... And who do we listen to?
RUSH: Carl, you're not hearing me. You're not hearing me because you're not letting me finish the point. I want to do it in the democratic political system that we have in this system. I want as many informed people as possible voting and defeating those people so that we have a genuine governing mandate. Now, here. I can illustrate the problem that you have with all this with one question.
CALLER: What makes you think I have a problem?
RUSH: You called and said you did!
CALLER: See that's part of my problem with you.
RUSH: You called and said you have a problem. You don't like all the bickering.
CALLER: No, I...
RUSH: You said, "Can't we all just get along?" That to me tells me you've got a problem. I've got one question.
CALLER: No, it was a question. It's not a problem.
RUSH: It stems from a problem. You're upset, Carl. You wish all this weren't going on. You want us to all get along, and for that to happen one side is going to have to give up.
CALLER: (Laughing.) No, we can't just... We can't compromise and meet in the middle. One side's gotta give up.
RUSH: We can't compromise on principles. You can't compromise on good versus evil. You can't compromise on victory and defeat.
CALLER: And so the Democrats are evil, as you see it?
RUSH: No! I think something like abortion is, and you don't compromise on pro-life versus killing a baby in the womb. Where's the compromise on that? That's what I mean. Now, let me ask you a question, because this is central to helping you understand where you are. As an independent, what do you stand for?
CALLER: (silence) How do you mean the question, what do I stand for?
RUSH: What do you believe in?
CALLER: I mean, is it...? Is it...?
RUSH: As an independent, what do you believe in? What are your core principles?
CALLER: (longer silence) I -- in -- in terms of what, exactly? I mean, I'm not taking everything as a whole. I'm looking at -- at everything.
RUSH: This is not a trick question. I'm not trying to trick you, and you're not being roped into anything here. As an independent, or moderate, whatever -- you call yourself an independent -- what do you stand for?
CALLER: (really long silence) Give me an example.
RUSH: Ahem. Victory or defeat in Iraq?
CALLER: Well (sigh), that's going to open up a whole 'nother kettle of fish.
RUSH: Well, see, there's the problem. You don't have a core belief running through your body at all and so you have nothing to stand for. You have nothing you believe in that you want to be victorious with because you believe it's right. So you sit out there, and you hear people who have these core beliefs argue about it, and it makes you nervous, and you want to do a Rodney King on the country -- and that's not going to solve any problem. I'm glad you called.
Labels: Politics
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Questioner: "Can ya tell me how tuh git tuh thuh Probayshin Awfis?"
Me: "Sure. Turn right at the billboard and it's the third building on the left."
Questioner: "Thanks, man." And he jumps back in his rough-idling Datsun with his bottle-blond girlfriend.
Labels: All in a day's work
Friday, August 17, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Here Come Jesus, Kemosabe
Labels: Junk Mail
Sunday, August 12, 2007
More Birthday News
I forgot to include in the birthday news one of the main events. Drew got popped in the mouth on the "inflatables" and came running, hand to bleeding mouth, to Mom and Dad. When the blood cleared, his tooth was turned 90 degrees in its socket! A minute later he looked like this:
Labels: Family
I'm not at all sure why, but I'm now on Facebook. If you have any clue what that means, come check it out. If not, stay far away.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Labels: Family, Humor, Quotes Worth Quoting
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Blood, Sweat, and Cheers
Labels: Family
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Jihad: The Musical
Featuring songs such as 'I wanna be like Osama' and the love ballad 'I Only See Your Eyes', JIHAD THE MUSICAL is a madcap gallop through the wacky world of international terrorism; one that puts the powers that be in their place, and that invokes the Blitz spirit that we must laugh at those who seek to intimidate us. Stand back! This is a high-kicking chorus line!
Early word is that it will really blow you away!
Friday, August 03, 2007
We Believe
We believe in Marxfreudanddarwin
We believe everything is OK
as long as you don't hurt anyone
to the best of your definition of hurt,
and to the best of your knowledge.
We believe in sex before, during, and
after marriage.
We believe in the therapy of sin.
We believe that adultery is fun.
We believe that sodomy’s OK.
We believe that taboos are taboo.
We believe that everything's getting better
despite evidence to the contrary.
The evidence must be investigated
And you can prove anything with evidence.
We believe there's something in horoscopes
UFO's and bent spoons.
Jesus was a good man just like Buddha,
Mohammed, and ourselves.
He was a good moral teacher though we think
His good morals were bad.
We believe that all religions are basically the same-
at least the one that we read was.
They all believe in love and goodness.
They only differ on matters of creation,
sin, heaven, hell, God, and salvation.
We believe that after death comes the Nothing
Because when you ask the dead what happens
they say nothing.
If death is not the end, if the dead have lied, then its
compulsory heaven for all
excepting perhaps
Hitler, Stalin, and Genghis Kahn
We believe in Masters and Johnson
What's selected is average.
What's average is normal.
What's normal is good.
We believe in total disarmament.
We believe there are direct links between warfare and
Americans should beat their guns into tractors .
And the Russians would be sure to follow.
We believe that man is essentially good.
It's only his behavior that lets him down.
This is the fault of society.
Society is the fault of conditions.
Conditions are the fault of society.
We believe that each man must find the truth that
is right for him.
Reality will adapt accordingly.
The universe will readjust.
History will alter.
We believe that there is no absolute truth
excepting the truth
that there is no absolute truth.
We believe in the rejection of creeds,
And the flowering of individual thought.
If chance be
the Father of all flesh,
disaster is his rainbow in the sky
and when you hear
State of Emergency!
Sniper Kills Ten!
Troops on Rampage!
Youths go Looting!
Bomb Blasts School!
It is but the sound of man
worshipping his maker.
Labels: Atheism
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Van Til in Ten Words or Less
Sorry, but this post is hopelessly esoteric for most Daily Mail readers . . .